Thursday, March 7, 2013


PUBLIC RELEASE: Message-Empowerment: Global change; sustainable and mutual coexistence
                                via-passive resistance.

                                 Truth De-Code-It available on line. Author, Patrick Porgans

MUTUAL COEXISTENCE: Truth De-Code-It is a reflection upon an Era of Deception ending as we awaken out-of-necessity, from the Goldman Sachs' Wall Street worldwide-banking cabal, into a Golden Age-of-Global Change.
The handwriting is on the wall, natural and human-induced conditions necessitate a change; as the systems upon which we have become dependent, and the manner in which we live, are not only unsustainable, they're not working.

Change is a constant, and when all else fails it's back to Mother Nature.
Noted Greek Philosopher Plato reportedly said, “The true creator is necessity, who is the mother of all invention”. Einstein, paraphrasing Plato, said, “Necessity is the mother of all invention”. The level of deception and impending-global crises (real or orchestrated) invoke the creative-necessity to implement a naturally-sustainable way out of this human-induced mess commonly referred to as Manifest Destiny.

Truth-De-Code-It is a reflection of what was, is now, and what is written to be, as an era of deception comes to an end, we awaken to become empower to change the world for the betterment of all life forms as we journey within a millennium of new beginnings.
Eschatology prophecy bears witness to the presence of Parousia; at last, the Second Coming is at hand, all things are to be reconciled accordingly.

Evil is on the way to burning it's’ greedy-self out, raising fears, rising doubts, “We the People” are calling for a global turn-about that will empower each of us, one at a time, to change our ways and the world around. There is no signing up, sending donations or endless meetings as you alone are empowered to change, and as an inhabitant of this earth a decision to live in accordance with Nature’s laws is your contribution. Please share this information with a friend. Thank you.
FYI: Order book(s), or

Wholesale books – 10 or more $5.00 each…Contact Bridgette at Outskirts Press 1-888-672-6657 Ext. 719

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